Thursday, July 24, 2008

my brotha (again)

my brother's absolutely not a pet lover, why? he rears two gold fishs and a scorpion but he never feed them anything from the first day until now. pity scorpion zhai/lui as he/her didnt eat anything for nearly 2 or 3 weeks already about 'golden' fish? he never change the water for fish, so can you imagine how dirty the water is? i couldn't stand of seeing 'golden fish' suffering in such a dirt water condition, so i have decided to be their 'lai ma' for temporary only =P.

i have no idea how much he bought...

just a little baby =)

a couple of gay hehe

after journalism class then we headed to mcDonald for lunch...
cindy fetched us to mcDonald BUT there are 6 persons of us and how are we suppose to get into the KELISA....? it was a great challenges for us haha...

to overcome this problem we have to....

-cindy be the driver
-joseph sitting infront seat
-4 of us pack together at the back seats!!!

the most suffered in the car was ME as i hardly close the door! hahaha!

not even enough space for me to take pic in the car!

but i enjoy it =)


Anonymous said...

but why ur bro rmb to feed his gf geh?

Stephy said...

ya wor...hahhha...zha dou!

Anonymous said...

ehhh..the 2 gay fish...vr Q!!!